Case Studies > Fit Foods Improves Inventory Management Using SAP Business One


  • Manual data entry into multiple spreadsheets increased the potential for errors
  • Legacy system couldn't keep up with the business’s need for process sophistication
  • Inventory management issues due to a lack of stable scanning for over 1,000 SKUs

Why SAP Business One

  • Fully integrated system with MRP, stable scanning, and access to business intelligence
  • Robust management solution that scales with the business
  • Reduces paperwork and potential for costly data entry errors


  • Customisable real-time reporting and controls ensure manufacturing processes flow smoothly
  • Improved customer order tracking throughout the system
  • Efficient inventory management of SKUs resulting in a 99% fill rate


See how Vision33 can help you achieve results.


I don't think there's anybody in our company that would say ‘SAP Business One isn’t a better system.’ Everyone has seen how SAP Business One can help them in doing their job.


Steve Badger

Steve Badger

Chief Financial Officer/ Vice President, Operations, Fit Foods

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