Leveraging Software to Streamline and Modernize Community Development Services

Details about the Event

Live Panel Discussion
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 1:00 pm ET

Municipal governments in Canada face significant challenges in meeting housing demand, particularly with increasing urbanization and population growth.

Modern, cloud-based government software is the best tool for accelerating development approvals, streamlining permitting processes, and building homes faster.

Join Vision33 and Perry Group Consulting Ltd. for a live, interactive discussion to learn more.

Moderator Allison Locke, general manager, eGovernment at Vision33, will welcome:

  • Gerard Duggan, vice president, eGovernment and Enterprise at Vision33
  • Ben Perry, president of Perry Group Consulting Ltd.
  • Lesley Pavan, consultant at Perry Group Consulting Ltd.

Don’t miss this conversation about critical topics like:

  • Challenges local governments face in efficiently managing the housing approval process
  • How technology helps local governments overcome these challenges
  • How jurisdictions decide if they need new technology or if they can get more out of their current solution
  • Factors that make or break a successful technology procurement and deployment
  • Real-world examples of Canadian governments that have embraced modern technology to simplify community development services

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